Monday 5 April 2010


My life changed on this day. I did not know that I was going to develop leukaemia, while running and keeping covered the face of my three year old daughter. Why did I not evacuate with the other residents? Simple, the people I was with at the truck stop were not allowed to evacuate. We were at ground zero of the event. We were all sitting inside the truck stop. The stop were kind enough to provide drinks free of charge. Our throats were stinging from the fumes. We thought that we were safe; especially me, as I had ran some distance from the car that I came in with another family.

It was a day that I will never and have never forgotten. I am still trying to locate other survivors that were in that truck stop that day. The alerts that were put out, we did not get, as we were too close to the fire. Nobody warned us about the after effects of the fire. I was not so concerned for me at that point in time, but for my precious daughter, Alicia. I could not bear the thought of the fumes doing her any damage; as long as, she was safe that was all that mattered to me.

It was bad enough to be married to an abusive spouse, who loved to be with other women. I don't really want to go into too much detail, as what he done to my daughter. Also, he is remarried and I hope that he has changed. I now have a grandson, whom I would like to see.

This diary will tell you how I feel day to day, when I feel I can get on here to give you my story. I feel unwell today and very tired. The SP wasn't responsible for be not to be able to discern hot and cold. I feel cold, when others are hot, and hot, when others are cold. I will leave it here for now.

If you were there at the truck stop near the fire contact me at